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Jumpstart Your Joy

I might not know you, Mama, but I believe you could be happier, and I'd like to show you how to do it.

A recent study showed that only 14% of Americans consider themselves “very happy”, and much of the rest of the world isn’t doing much better.

I know that you don't want to be miserable. You want to show your kids what a vibrant, thriving adult looks like by...you know...being one. 

But how on earth could you be happy right now?

  • We're in the middle of a global pandemic
  • You haven't had a good night's sleep since before you got pregnant
  • You've got so little time to yourself that you don't even get to pee in peace

But would you believe me if I told you that you could actually be happy? Right now? Regardless of whatever shit sandwich life might be serving you?

Science says you can.

You see, after years of studying the subject, scientists actually have a pretty good idea of what makes us happy, and it has little to do with life going ‘right’, and everything to do with our habits--the things we do every day that either serve us well or make our lives worse.

You have probably already heard about the happiness benefits of certain things: practicing gratitude, exercising, or meditation, for instance.

But who has time for all that?

And even if you made the time to actually DO all this happiness-boosting stuff, deciding WHAT, specifically, to do to practice boosting your happiness when you’re already tapped out makes the process of caring for yourself feel overwhelming.

Well, you're in luck.

I'm obsessed with sucking all the joy I can out of life while optimizing things so that I don't waste any time.

That's why I developed Jumpstart Your Joy: a collection of hundreds of prompts, playlists, and ideas to help us easily practice the activities proven to make us happier.

The centerpiece of Jumpstart Your Joy is the “Joy Board”, a drag-and-drop collection of activities, prompts, and challenges across several categories:

  • Savor: These prompts will guide you towards practicing mindfulness as a regular part of your day.
  • Meditate: Here, you’ll find a collection of playlists for meditations on every subject, so you’ll be able to quickly grab exactly the meditation you need—whether you just want to start your day right, need to quickly de-stress because the kids are driving you crazy, or you want to fall asleep quickly and easily.
  • Connect: connecting with our fellow humans makes us happier. Grab ideas for dozens of ways to do this—even if you are home alone with the kids most of the time.
  • Gratitude: Nothing can make you feel better about your life than sitting down to list out all the reasons that it’s wonderful. In Jumpstart Your Joy, you’ll find dozens of gratitude journal prompts designed to remind you of some things you might have forgotten about.
  • Move Your Body: Want to do yoga for 10 minutes? I’ve got a playlist for you. Do dance aerobics for 30 minutes? There’s a playlist for that, too. You’ll have access to all of my curated, regularly-updated YouTube playlists designed to make doing exactly the workout you want a no-brainer. I've also got loads of ideas for fun, screen-free ways you can get some movement in.
  • Self-Discovery Journal Prompts: it’s hard to be happy when you’ve forgotten who you are. Use these prompts when you journal every day to uncover those things you didn’t even know you needed to address.
  • Affirmations: you’re already talking to yourself all the time. Why not make it positive? Here you’ll find dozens of affirmations designed to make your self-talk something that supports you rather than undermines you.
  • Self-Care Ideas: you know you need to “fill your own cup” before you can care for your family. Now you’ll have a list of ideas to draw from when you need a quick bit of pampering
  • Daily Challenge: we can live our lives on auto-pilot sometimes. The Daily Challenge is designed to shake things up a bit and get us mindfully doing something wonderful.

Wondering what else is included along with the Joy Board?

I wouldn't just throw a Trello board your way with no direction. You’ll also get:

  • A quick start lesson for Trello. Even if you’ve never used the platform before, you will learn the basics in minutes. (And I wouldn’t be surprised if you got addicted!)
  • Suggestions for using the board as part of your daily morning, nighttime, or other routines as well as ideas for fitting in the happiness practices when life is CRAZY
  • A mini audio course (that you can listen to in your favorite podcast app) that discusses each of the happiness practices in detail and teaches you exactly why giving attention to each one regularly will bring you joy

Why the heck should you take happiness advice from me?

Well, in short, I am obsessed with making life simple, efficient, and JOYFUL.

I'm Anissa, by the way, the mama behind Mama Goes Beyond.

I am constantly looking for ways to optimize everything, yes, even my own happiness. I read countless books and took multiple courses as I strived to make myself happier.

As I worked through all the books and courses, they all said the same thing. Eventually it occurred to me that I knew what I needed to do, I just couldn’t seem to put it into practice.

  • I’d sit down to write in my gratitude journal, but end up writing the same thing I wrote yesterday 
  • I tried meditation after terrible meditation trying to find the good ones
  • I’d spend the whole time I’d allotted for exercise looking for a video I liked on YouTube.

Jumpstart Your Joy is the system I created for myself to remove my excuses. When I open my eyes in the morning, I can quickly push “play” on a meditation I’ll love. When it’s time to journal, I’ve got prompts to show me exactly what to write, and when it’s time to exercise, I just choose one of the many great videos I've saved in my playlists.

In my opinion, all this unhappiness in the world is an emergency—one that’s easily fixable with a change in our habits.

I’m so excited to share my habits with you.

3 Modules

Deconstructing Happiness Audio Course

Listen to a series of short audio snippets about our happiness boosters and learn why they work.

What's Next?

Give feedback and learn about what to do next if you want to continue with your intentional living journey!

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