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You Got This, Mama! Decluttering Planner

Stop wasting your time and energy drowning in stuff and get on with the business of living your life. 

The You Got This, Mama! Decluttering Planner provides the simple framework you need to clear out your clutter and make sure it doesn't come back.

Hey Mama! Does this sound familiar?

  • You have to walk through a minefield of kids' toys to get anywhere in your house
  • You spend every morning digging through a closet full of 'meh' to find that one shirt without a stain on the boobs or that one pair of jeans that makes your butt look awesome
  • Everything tumbles out whenever you open that overstuffed cabinet with the Tupperware inside, and in the pile, you can’t seem to locate any containers and lids that match
  • You know you have at least five pairs of scissors, but later today you'll spend 20 minutes trying to find just one of them

Friend, I have been there. I know the overwhelm that comes from having too much stuff.

You know you need to declutter, but you don't know where to start. I've got you, and you've got this. 

Let’s transform your home into the haven you deserve.

What's inside?

This 33-page planner is not just a collection of pretty pages for you to write on, but a complete decluttering system that guides you step-by-step through the whole process--from the prep work you’ll do as you start, to the habits you’ll use to maintain your newly-decluttered home and keep it chaos-free forever. 

Here’s a taste of what’s included:

  • Guided reflection to help you off to a powerful start and motivate you when decluttering feels hard
  • Checklists to help simplify the process of decluttering your paper, decluttering your digital life, writing an online listing that sells, and having a successful yard sale
  • A simple decluttering framework that you can use to declutter your home ten minutes at a time
  • Questions to ask yourself as you declutter that will make letting go easier
  • A guide to choosing rewards for yourself to make the process of decluttering a bit more fun
  • A list of the secondhand items most in-demand each month so you'll know exactly when to sell your things for maximum profit
  • A log for your donations that could help you save money on your income taxes
  • Printable labels to help keep you organized as you declutter
  • A place to log your progress so you can celebrate each tiny win and have a visual record of how far you've come 
  • A guide to easy habits you can use to keep your home clutter-free going forward
  • Advice from me throughout to help clarify exactly what to do next

Wouldn't it be lovely to:

  • Stop spending all your time and energy maintaining your life and use it instead to enjoy your family (or finally read that book on your nightstand!)
  • Experience the peace that comes from knowing everything you own has a home (and that home is NOT the kitchen counter)
  • Stop panicking when someone says she’s coming over, knowing that your home is clutter-free and ready for guests
  • Stop wasting money buying things you know you have that you just can’t find
  • Finally feel like your home is a place you can relax rather than just one more thing to stress about

It might sound impossible, but decluttering is your first step towards that simpler life you dream of, and the 'You Got This Mama!' Decluttering Planner is the step-by-step guide you need to help you on your way.

Friend, this is truly a complete roadmap for decluttering. I used this framework to transition our family from our 2,500-square-foot home into 8 suitcases that we used as we traveled full-time. (Yes, really!) 

Whether you want to get rid of everything or just get a bit more room to breathe, The You Got This Mama! Decluttering Planner will help you get there!


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